
   2017-01-02 互联网3660

230 GB 13439-1992 液氯瓶阀 Valves for liquid chlorine cylinders
231 GB/T 13440-1992 无缝气瓶压扁试验方法 Method for flattening test of seamless gas cylinders
232 GB/T 13466-1992 交流电气传动风机(泵类、压缩机)系统经济运行通则 The general principles of economical operation for fans (pumps, compressors) system of alternating-current electric drive
233 GB/T 13467-1992 通风机系统电能平衡测试与计算方法 The methods of electric power balance test and calculation in fan system
234 GB/T 13468-1992 泵类系统电能平衡的测试与计算方法 Measurement and calculation methods of electric energy balance for pumps systems
235 GB/T 13469-1992 工业用离心泵、混流泵、轴流泵与旋涡泵系统经济运行 Economical operation for industrial centrifugal, mixed flow, axial flow and vortex pump systems
236 GB/T 13470-1992 通风机系统经济运行 Economical operation of the fan system
237 GB/T 13676-1992 双线往复式客运架空索道设计规范 Design rules for to-and-fro bicable passenger aerial ropeways
238 GB/T 13677-1992 单线固定抱索器客运架空索道设计规范 Design rules for mono-cable passenger aerial ropeways with fixed grip
239 GB/T 13678-1992 单线脱挂抱索器客运架空索道设计规范 Design rules for mono-cable passenger aerial ropeways with detachable grip
240 GB/T 13755-1992 三足式离心机技术条件 Three-column centrifuge Specifications241 GB/T 13756-1992 三足式离心机型式和基本参数 Three-column centrifuge--Types and basic parameters
242 GB/T 13928-1992 微型往复活塞空气压缩机 Reciprocating piston micro air compressor
243 GB/T 13929-1992 水环真空泵和水环压缩机试验方法 Methods of testing for water-ring vacuum pumps and compressors
244 GB/T 13930-1992 水环真空泵和水环压缩机气量测定方法 Methods for the measurement of volume flow of gas of water-ring vacuum pump and compressor
245 GB/T 13931-1992 电除尘器 性能测试方法 Methods of performance tests for electrostatic precipitators
246 GB/T 13933-1992 小型贯流式通风机 Miniature cross-flow fan
247 GB/T 14173-1993 平面钢闸门 技术条件 Specification for hydraulic flat steel gates
248 GB 14193-1993 液化气体气瓶充装规定 Rules for filling of liquefied gas cylinders
249 GB 14194-1993 永久气体气瓶充装规定 Rules for filling of permanent gas cylinders
250 GB/T 14405-1993 通用桥式起重机 General purpose overhead cranes
251 GB/T 14406-1993 通用门式起重机 General purpose gantry cranes
252 GB/T 14407-1993 通用桥式和门式起重机司机室 技术条件 Specification for cabins of overhead travelling cranes and portal bridge cranes for general purposes
253 GB/T 14521.1-1993 运输机械术语 运输机械类型 Terms of conveying machinery--Types of conveying machinery
254 GB/T 14521.2-1993 运输机械术语 主要参数 Terms of conveying machinery--Main parameters
255 GB/T 14521.3-1993 运输机械术语 装置和零部件 Terms of conveying machinery--Unit and component parts
256 GB/T 14521.4-1993 运输机械术语 带式输送机 Terms of conveying machinery--Belt conveyor
257 GB/T 14521.5-1993 运输机械术语 埋刮板输送机 Terms of conveying machinery--En masse conveyor
258 GB/T 14521.6-1993 运输机械术语 板式输送机 Terms of conveying machinery--Slat conveyor
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