
   2017-01-02 互联网3660
核心提示:201 GB 12136-1989 溶解乙炔气瓶用回火防止器 Arrester for dissolved acetylene cylinders 202 GB/T 12353-1990 拱型金属爆破片装置分类与安装尺寸C
         201 GB 12136-1989 溶解乙炔气瓶用回火防止器 Arrester for dissolved acetylene cylinders
202 GB/T 12353-1990 拱型金属爆破片装置分类与安装尺寸Classification and mounting dimensions for domed metal bursting disc devices
203 GB/T 12420-1990 5D型集装箱吊具技术条件 Specifications of spreader for 5D freight containers
204 GB/T 12718-1991 矿用高强度圆环链 High tensile steel chains (round link) for mining
205 GB/T 12738-1991 连续搬运设备 架空索道术语 Continuous handling equipment—Term of aerial ropeways
206 GB/T 12739-1991 循环式货运架空索道驱动机 型式和基本参数 Types and basic parameters of driving devices for cir culating aerial ropeway
207 GB/T 12740-1991 单线循环式货运架空索道货车 型式和基本参数 Types and basic parameters of cars for monocable circulating aerial ropeway
208 GB/T 12741-1991 单线循环式货运架空索道托索轮 型式和基本参数 Types and basic parameters of support rollers for monocable circulating material aerial ropeway
209 GB/T 13003-1991 溶解乙炔气瓶气压试验方法 Method for pneumatic test of dissolved acetylene cylinders
210 GB/T 13005-1991 气瓶术语 Terminology of gas cylinders
211 GB/T 13006-1991 离心泵、混流泵和轴流泵 汽蚀余量 NPSH for centrifugal, mixed flow and axial pumps
212 GB/T 13007-1991 离心泵效率 Efficiencies for centrifugal pumps
213 GB/T 13008-1991 混流泵、轴流泵技术条件 Technical specifications for mixed and axial flow pumps
214 GB 13076-1991 溶解乙炔气瓶定期检验与评定 Periodic inspection and evaluation of dissolved acety lene cylinders
215 GB 13077-1991 铝合金无缝气瓶定期检验与评定 Periodic inspection and evaluation of seamless aluminium alloy gas cylinders
216 GB/T 13218-1991 带式真空过滤机型式和基本参数 Horizontal-belt filter—Types and basic parameters
217 GB/T 13274-1991 一般用途轴流通风机技术条件 Technical specification for general purposes axiae fans
218 GB/T 13275-1991 一般用途离心通风机技术条件 Technical specification for general purposes centrifugal fans
219 GB/T 13276-1991 容积式空气压缩机进气滤清消声器 Intake filter silencers for displacement air compressors
220 GB/T 13277-1991 一般用压缩空气质量等级 Compressed air for general use—Quality classes
221 GB/T 13278-1991 一般用干螺杆空气压缩机技术条件 Dry screw air compressor for general use—Specifications
222 GB/T 13279-1991 一般用固定式往复活塞空气压缩机技术条件 Stationary reciprocating piston air compressor for general use—Specifications
223 GB/T 13280-1991 工艺流程用螺杆压缩机技术条件 Screw compressor for the process industry—Specifications
224 GB 13326-1991 组合式空气处理机组噪声限值 Sound limit of central station air handling units
225 GB/T 13327-1991 带式真空过滤机技术条件 Specifications for horizontal-belt filter
226 GB/T 13343-1992 矿用三牙轮钻头 Blast hole tricone rock bits
227 GB/T 13344-1992 潜孔冲击器和钻头 Downhole drill hammers and bils
228 GB/T 13364-1992 往复泵机械振动测试方法 Measurement of mechanical vibration for reciprocating pump
229 GB 13438-1992 氩气瓶阀 Valves for argon cylinders
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