
   2017-01-02 互联网7360
核心提示:1 GB/T 780-1979 汽油发动机化油器出口凸缘尺寸 Carbureters for automobile engines--Dimensions of outlet flanges 2 GB/T 983-1995
         1 GB/T 780-1979 汽油发动机化油器出口凸缘尺寸 Carbureters for automobile engines--Dimensions of outlet flanges 2 GB/T 983-1995 不锈钢焊条 Stainless steel covered electrodes
3 GB/T 984-1985 堆焊焊条 Covered electrodes for hardfacing
4 GB/T 985-1988 气焊、手工电弧焊及气体保护焊焊缝坡口的基本形式与尺寸 Basic forms and sizes of weld grooves for gas welding manual arc welding and gas-Shielded arc welding
5 GB/T 986-1988 埋弧焊焊缝坡口的基本形式和尺寸 Basic forms and sizes of weld grooves for submerged arc welding
6 GB/T 1173-1995 铸造铝合金 Casting aluminium alloys
7 GB/T 1174-1992 铸造轴承合金 cast bearing metals
8 GB/T 1176-1987 铸造铜合金技术条件 Specification for cast copper alloys
9 GB/T 1177-1991 铸造镁合金 Casting magnesium alloys
10 GB/T 1348-1988 球墨铸铁件 Spheroidal graphite iron castings
11 GB/T 1954-1980 铬镍奥氏体不锈钢焊缝铁素体含量测量方法 Determination of the weldign seam iron element contentin chromium,nickel austenitic stainless steel
12 GB/T 2100-1980 不锈耐酸钢铸件技术条件 Stainless acid-resistant steel castings--Specifications
13 GB/T 2649-1989 焊接接头机械性能试验取样方法 Methods of sampling for mechanical properties tests of welded joint
14 GB/T 2650-1989 焊接接头冲击试验方法 Method of impact test for welded joint
15 GB/T 2651-1989 焊接接头拉伸试验方法 Method of tensile test for welded joint
16 GB/T 2652-1989 焊缝及熔敷金属拉伸试验方法 Method of tensile tests for weld and deposited metal
17 GB/T 2653-1989 焊接接头弯曲及压扁试验方法 Methods of bend and compression tests for welded joint
18 GB/T 2654-1989 焊接接头及堆焊金属硬度试验方法 Methods of hardness tests for welded joint and surfacing metal
19 GB/T 2655-1989 焊接接头应变时效敏感性试验方法 Method of strain-age sensibillity test for welded joint
20 GB/T 2656-1981 焊缝金属和焊接接头的疲劳试验法 Weld beads metal and welds--Fatigue test
21 GB/T 2684-1981 铸造用原砂及混合料试验方法 Foundry sands and sand mixtures for casting--Method of testing
22 GB/T 3180-1982 中锰抗磨球墨铸铁件技术条件 Specification for medium manganese wear-resistant spheroidal iron castings
23 GB/T 3375-1994 焊接术语 Welding terminology
24 GB/T 3669-1983 铝及铝合金焊条 Coated electrodes for aluminium and aluminium alloys
25 GB/T 3670-1995 铜及铜合金焊条 Coated electrodes for copper and copper alloys
26 GB/T 3731-1983 涂料焊条效率、金属回收率和熔敷系数的测定 Covered electrodes--Determination of the efficiency, metal recovery and deposition coefficient
27 GB/T 3934-1983 普通螺纹量规 Gauges for general purpose screw threads
28 GB/T 3965-1995 熔敷金属中扩散氢测定方法 Methods for determination of diffusible hydrogen in deposited metal 29 GB/T 4675.1-1984 焊接性试验 斜Y型坡口焊接裂纹试验方法 Weldability testing--Method of Y-groove cracking test
30 GB/T 4675.2-1984 焊接性试验 搭接接头(CTS) 焊接裂纹试验方法 Weldability testing--Method of controlled thermal severity cracking test31 GB/T 4675.3-1984 焊接性试验 T型接头焊接裂纹试验方法 Weldability testing--Method of cracking test for welded tee joint
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