
   2017-01-02 互联网7360

32 GB/T 4675.4-1984 焊接性试验 压板对接(FISCO) 焊接裂纹试验方法 Weldability testing--Method of FISCO cracking test
33 GB/T 4675.5-1984 焊接性试验 焊接热影响区最高硬度试验方法 Weldability testing--Testing method of maximum hard ness in weld heat-affected zone
34 GB/T 4863-1985 机械制造工艺基本术语 General terminology of machine-building technology
35 GB/T 5117-1995 碳钢焊条 Carbon steel covered electrodes
36 GB/T 5118-1995 低合金钢焊条 Low alloy steel covered electrodes
37 GB/T 5185-1985 金属焊接及钎焊方法在图样上的表示代号 Welding, brazing, braze welding and soldering of metals--List of processes for symbolic representation on drawings
38 GB/T 5293-1985 碳素钢埋弧焊用焊剂 Fluxes for the submerged arc welding of carbon steel
39 GB/T 5613-1995 铸钢牌号表示方法Code for representing cast steels
40 GB/T 5614-1985 铸铁件热处理状态的名称、定义及代号 The designations definitions and symbols for heat treatment tempers of iron castings
41 GB/T 5615-1985 铸钢件热处理状态的名称、定义及代号 The designations, definitions and symbols for heat treatment tempers of steel castings
42 GB/T 5676-1985 一般工程用铸造碳钢 Cast carbon steels for general engineering purposes
43 GB/T 5677-1985 铸钢件射线照相及底片等级分类方法 Methods of radiographic testing and classification of radiographs for steel castings
44 GB/T 5678-1985 铸造合金光谱分析取样方法 The method for sampling cast alloys for spectrochemical analysis
45 GB/T 6208-1995 钎料型号表示方法 Filler metal for soft soldering and brazing--Designation
46 GB/T 6296-1986 灰铸铁冲击试验方法 Grey cast iron impact test
47 GB/T 6416-1986 影响钢熔化焊接头质量的技术因素 Technical factors influencing the quality of the fusion welded joints in steel
48 GB/T 6417-1986 金属熔化焊焊缝缺陷分类及说明 Classification of imperfections in metallic fusion welds, with explanations
49 GB/T 6418-1993 铜基钎料 Copper base brazing filler metals
50 GB/T 6967-1986 工程结构用中、高强度不锈钢铸件 Medium and high strength stainless steel castings for engineering structure purposes
51 GB/T 7032-1986 T型角焊接头弯曲试验方法 Method of bend test for T type fillet welded joint
52 GB/T 7143-1986 铸造用硅砂化学分析方法 Methods for chemical analysis of silica sand for foundry
53 GB/T 7216-1987 灰铸铁金相 Gray cast iron metallography
54 GB/T 7232-1987 金属热处理工艺术语 Terminology of metal heat treatment
55 GB/T 7233-1987 铸钢件超声探伤及质量评级标准 Methods for ultrasonic testing and for specifying quality levels of steel castings
56 GB/T 7659-1987 焊接结构用碳素钢铸件 Carbon steel castings suitable for welded structure
57 GB/T 8063-1994 铸造有色金属及其合金牌号表示方法 Designation of cast nonferrous metals and their alloys
58 GB/T 8110-1995 气体保护电弧焊用碳钢、低合金钢焊丝 Welding wires for gas shielding arc welding of carbon and low alloy steels
59 GB/T 8121-1987 热处理工艺材料名词术语 The terminology of technological materials for heat treatment
60 GB/T 8263-1987 抗磨白口铸铁技术条件 Specification for abrasion resistant white cast irons 61 GB/T 8454-1987 焊条用还原钛铁矿粉中亚铁量的测定 Determination of ferrous iron content in reduced ilmenite powder for welding rod
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