
   2017-01-02 互联网4750

Drill chuck tapers   
46 GB/T 6469-1986 卧轴矩台平面磨床参数Surface grinding machines with horizontal spindle and rectangular table--Parameters   
47 GB/T 6470-1986 无心外圆磨床参数 
External cylindrical centerless grinding machines--Parameters   
48 GB/T 6471-1986 内圆磨床参数  
Internal cylindrical grinding machines--Parameters   
49 GB/T 6472-1996 立式内拉床 精度检验  
Vertical internal broaching machines--Testing of the accuracy   
50 GB/T 6473-1996 立式外拉床 精度检验  
Vertical surface broaching machines--Testing of the accuracy  
51 GB/T 6474-1986 导轨磨床参数  
Surface grinding machines for grinding slideways--Parameters   
52 GB/T 6476-1986 立轴矩台平面磨床精度Surface grinding machines with vertical grinding wheel spindle and reciprocating table--Testing of the accuracy   
53 GB/T 6477.1-1986 金属切削机床术语 基本术语  
Terminology for metal-cutting machine tools--Basic terminology   
54 GB/T 6477.2-1986 金属切削机床术语 组合机床及组合机床自动线  
Terminology for metal-cutting machine tools--Modular machine tools and transfer lines   
55 GB/T 6477.3-1986 金属切削机床术语 车床  
Terminology for metal-cutting machine tools--Lathes   
56 GB/T 6477.4-1986 金属切削机床术语 钻床  
Terminology for metal-cutting machine tools--Drilling machines   
57 GB/T 6477.5-1986 金属切削机床术语 镗床  
Terminology for metal-cutting machine tools--Boring machines   
58 GB/T 6477.6-1986 金属切削机床术语 磨床  
Terminology for metal-cutting machine tools--Grinding machines   
59 GB/T 6477.7-1986 金属切削机床术语 齿轮加工机床  
Terminology for metal-cutting machine tools--Gear cutting machines   
60 GB/T 6477.8-1986 金属切削机床术语 螺纹加工机床  
Terminology for metal-cutting machine tools--Threading machines  
61 GB/T 6477.9-1986 金属切削机床术语 铣床  
Terminology for metal-cutting machine tools--Milling machines   
62 GB/T 6477.10-1986 金属切削机床术语 刨床和插床  
Terminology for metal-cutting machine tools--Planing and slotting machines   
63 GB/T 6477.11-1986 金属切削机床术语 拉床  
Terminology for metal-cutting machine tools--Broaching machines   
64 GB/T 6477.12-1986 金属切削机床术语 特种加工机床  
Terminology for metal-cutting machine tools--Non-traditional machine tools   
65 GB/T 6477.13-1986 金属切削机床术语 锯床  
Terminology for metal-cutting machine tools--Sawing machines   
66 GB/T 6477.14-1986 金属切削机床术语 刻线机  
Terminology for metal-cutting machine tools--Dividing machines   
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