
   2017-01-02 互联网4750

22 GB/T 3837.3-1983 机床工具7:24圆锥联结 工具锥柄  
Tool shanks with 7:24 tapers   
23 GB/T 3932-1983 工作台不升降铣床精度检测Milling machines with table of fixed height with horizontal or vertical spindle--Testing of the accuracy   
24 GB/T 3933-1983 升降台铣床精度检测Milling machines with table of variable height with horizontal or vertical spindle--Testing of the accuracy   
25 GB/T 4022-1983 卧轴矩台平面磨床 精度检测Ace grinding machines with horizontal grinding wheel spindle and reciprocating table--Testing of the accuracy   
26 GB/T 4215-1984 金属切削机床噪声声功率级的测定Determination of sound power levels of noise emitted by metal cutting machine tools  
27 GB/T 4346-1984 三爪自定心卡盘 基本参数和尺寸  
3-jaw self-centering chucks--Dimensions   
28 GB 4674-1984 磨削机械安全规程  
Safety code for grinding machines   
29 GB/T 4681-1984 无心磨床 精度检测  
External cylindrical centerless grinding machines--Testing of the accuracy   
30 GB/T 4682-1984 内圆磨床 精度检测Internal cylindrical grinding machines with horizontal spindles--Testing of the accuracy  
31 GB/T 4683-1993 转塔车床精度检测  
Turret lathes--Testing of the accuracy   
32 GB/T 4684-1994 外圆磨床 参数  
External cylindrical grinding machines--Parameters   
33 GB/T 4685-1994 外圆磨床 精度检测  
External cylindrical grinding machines--Accuracy   
34 GB/T 4686-1984 插齿机精度检测  
Gear shaping machines--Testing of the accuracy   
35 GB/T 5226.1-1996 工业机械电气设备 第1部分: 通用技术条件Electrical equipment of industrial machines--Part 1: General requirements   
36 GB/T 5268-1985 车床刀架装刀槽高度  
Machine tools--Lathe tool posts--Overall internal height   
37 GB/T 5288-1985 龙门导轨磨床精度检测  
Slideways grinding machines with two columns--Testing of the accuracy   
38 GB/T 5289-1985 卧式镗铣床精度检测Boring and milling machines with horizontal spindle-- Testing of the accuracy   
39 GB/T 5290-1985 电火花成型机床参数  
Parameters of electrical discharge machine   
40 GB/T 5291-1985 电火花成型机床精度  
Accuracy of electrical discharge machine  
41 GB/T 5901.1-1986 四爪单动卡盘 型式、基本参数和尺寸Types, basic parameters and dimensions of four-jaw independent chucks   
42 GB/T 5901.2-1986 四爪单动卡盘 精度检测  
Testing of accuracy of four-jaw independent chucks   
43 GB/T 5901.3-1986 四爪单动卡盘 技术条件  
Technical specifications of four-jaw independent chucks   
44 GB/T 6087-1993 扳手钻夹头  
Key type drill chuck   
45 GB/T 6090-1993 钻夹头圆锥  
举报收藏 0打赏 0评论 0