
   2017-01-02 互联网5210

149 GB/T 15826.4-1995 锤上钢质自由锻件机械加工余量与公差 圆环类 Machining allowances and tolerances for steel open die forgings on hammer--Rings
150 GB/T 15826.5-1995 锤上钢质自由锻件机械加工余量与公差 套筒类 Machining allowances and tolerances for steel open die forgings on hammer--Seamles cylinder hushings151 GB/T 15826.6-1995 锤上钢质自由锻件机械加工余量与公差 光轴类 Machining allowances and tolerances for steel open die forgings on hammer--Shaft without steps
152 GB/T 15826.7-1995 锤上钢质自由锻件机械加工余量与公差 台阶轴类 Machining allowances and tolerances for steel open die forgings on hammer--Shaft with steps
153 GB/T 15826.8-1995 锤上钢质自由锻件机械加工余量与公差 单拐曲轴类 Machining allowances and tolerances for steel open dle forgings on hammer--Single throw crankshaft
154 GB/T 15826.9-1995 锤上钢质自由锻件机械加工余量与公差 黑皮锻件 Machining allowances and tolerances for steel open die forgings on hammer--Forging without machining
155 GB/T 15829.1-1995 软钎焊用钎剂 分类、标记与包装 Soldering fluxes--Classification, labelling and packaging
156 GB/T 15829.2-1995 软钎焊用钎剂 树脂类钎剂 Soldering fluxes--Resin basis fluxes
157 GB/T 15829.3-1995 软钎焊用钎剂 有机物类钎剂 Soldering fluxes--Organic fluxes
158 GB/T 15829.4-1995 软钎焊用钎剂 无机物类钎剂 Soldering fluxes--Inorganic fluxes
159 GB/T 16253-1996 承压钢铸件 Steel castings for pressure purposes
160 GB/T 16672-1996 焊缝 工作位置 倾角和转角的定义 Welds--Working positions--Definitions of angles of slope and rotation
161 GB/T 8541-1997 锻压术语 Terminolgy of forging and stamping
162 GB/T 16743-1997 冲裁间隙 Blanking clearance
163 GB/T 16746-1997 锌合金铸件 Zinc alloy castings
164 GB/T 1175-1997 铸造锌合金 Casting zinc alloys
165 GB/T 16923-1997 钢件的正火与退火 Normalizing and annealing of steel parts
166 GB/T 16924-1997 钢件的淬火与回火 Quenching and tempering of steel parts
167 GB/T 16957-1997 复合钢板焊接接头力学性能试验方法 Mechanical tests on welded joints in clad plates
168 GB/T 6060.1-1997 表面粗糙度比较样块 铸造表面 Roughness comparison specimens Cast surfaces
169 GB/T 5611-1998 铸造术语 Foundry terminology
170 GB/T 5680-1998 高锰钢铸件 Austenitic manganese steel castings
171 GB/T 9442-1998 铸造用硅砂 Foundry silica sand
172 GB/T 17445-1998 铸造磨球 Cast grinding balls
173 GB/T 12467.1-1998 焊接质量要求 金属材料的熔化焊 第一部分: 选择及使用指南 Quality requirements for welding--Fusion welding of metallic materials--Part 1: Guidelines for selection and use
174 GB/T 12467.2-1998 焊接质量要求 金属材料的熔化焊 第二部分: 完整质量要求 Quality requirements for welding--Fusion welding of metallic materials--Part 2: Comprehensive quality requirements
175 GB/T 12467.3-1998 焊接质量要求 金属材料的熔化焊 第三部分: 一般质量要求 Quality requirements for welding--Fusion welding of metallic materials--Part 3: Standards quality requirements
176 GB/T 12467.4-1998 焊接质量要求 金属材料的熔化焊 第四部分: 基本质量要求 Quality requirements for welding--Fusion welding of metallic materials--Part 4: Elementary quality requirements
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