501 GB/T 5648-1985 扩口式 B 型管接头螺母
Flared type tube fittings--Style B nut
502 GB/T 5649-1985 扩口式管接头锁紧螺母
Flared type tube fittings--Locknut
503 GB/T 5650-1985 扩口式管接头空心螺栓
Flared type tube fittings--Inverted flare bolts
504 GB/T 5651-1985 扩口式管接头密合垫
Flared type tube fittings--Seat insert
505 GB/T 5652-1985 扩口式管接头锁紧螺母垫圈
Flared type tube fittings--Back-up washer
506 GB/T 5653-1985 扩口式管接头技术条件
Specification for flared type tube fittings
507 GB/T 5779.1-1986 紧固件表面缺陷--螺栓、螺钉和螺柱--一般要求
Surface discontinuities of fasteners on bolts, screws and studs for general requirements
508 GB/T 5779.2-1986 紧固件表面缺陷--螺母--一般要求
Surface discontinuities of fasteners on nuts for general requirements
509 GB/T 5779.3-1986 紧固件表面缺陷--螺栓、螺钉和螺柱--特殊要求
Surface discontinuities of fasteners on bolts screws and studs—Specialrequirements
510 GB/T 5780-1986 六角头螺栓--C级
Hexagon head bolts—Product grade C
511 GB/T 5781-1986 六角头螺栓--全螺纹--C级
Hexagon head bolts—Full thread—Product grade C
512 GB/T 5782-1986 六角头螺栓--A和B级
Hexagon head bolts—Product grades A and B
513 GB/T 5783-1986 六角头螺栓--全螺纹 A和B级
Hexagon head bolts—Full thread—Product grades A and B
514 GB/T 5784-1986 六角头螺栓--细杆 B级
Hexagon head bolts—Reduced shank—Product grade B
515 GB/T 5785-1986 六角头螺栓--细牙--A和B级
Hexagon head bolts—Fine pitch thread—Product grades A and B
516 GB/T 5786-1986 六角头螺栓--细牙--全螺纹--A和B级
Hexagon head bolts—Fine pitch thread—Full thread—Product grades A and B
517 GB/T 5787-1986 六角法兰螺栓--B级
Hexagon flange bolts—Product grade B
518 GB/T 5788-1986 六角法兰螺栓--细杆--B级
Hexagon flange bolts--Reduced shank--Product grade B
519 GB/T 5789-1986 六角法兰螺栓--加大系列--B级
Hexagon flange bolts—Heavy series—Product grade B
520 GB/T 5790-1986 六角法兰螺栓--加大系列--细杆--B级