
   2017-01-02 互联网3210

129 GB/T 8910.3-1988 凿岩机械与气动工具振动测量方法 回转式机器的测量 Measurement of vibrations in rock drilling machines and pneumatic tools--Measurement for rotation machines
130 GB/T 9019-1988 压力容器公称直径 Nominal diameter of pressure vessel
131 GB/T 9068-1988 采暖通风与空气调节设备噪声声功率级的测定工程法 Determination of sound power levels for noise emitted by heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipments--Engineering method
132 GB/T 9069-1988 往复泵噪声声功率级的测定工程法 Determination of sound power level for noise emitted by reciprocating pump--Engineering method
133 GB 9075-1988 架空索道用钢丝绳检验和报废规范 Wire rope for aerial ropeways--Code for examination and discard
134 GB/T 9082.1-1988 无管芯重力热管铝管材 Aluminium tubes used for wickless gravity heat pipes
135 GB/T 9082.2-1988 铝无管芯重力热管 Wickless aluminium gravity heat pipes
136 GB/T 9139.1-1988 液压挖掘机分类 Hydraulic excavators—Classcifiation
137 GB/T 9141-1988 液压挖掘机 结构强度试验方法 Hydraulic excavators—Testing method of structure strength
138 GB/T 9142-1988 混凝土搅拌机技术条件 Concrete mixers—Specification
139 GB/T 9235-1988 蒸汽往复泵试验方法 Testing methods of steam reciprocating pump
140 GB/T 9237-1988 制冷设备通用技术规范 General technical code for refrigerating plants
141 GB/T 9252-1988 气瓶疲劳试验方法 Method for cycling test of gas cylinders
142 GB 9462-1988 塔式起重机技术条件 Tower cranes--Specification
143 GB/T 10051.1-1988 起重吊钩 机械性能、起重量、应力及材料 Lifting hooks--Mechanical properties, lifting capacities,stresses and materials
144 GB/T 10051.2-1988 起重吊钩 直柄吊钩技术条件 Lifting hooks--Technical conditions of shank hook
145 GB 10051.3-1988 起重吊钩 直柄吊钩使用检查 Lifting hooks--Inspection of shank hook in service
146 GB/T 10051.4-1988 起重吊钩 直柄单钩毛坯件 Lifting hooks--Blanks of shank hook with point
147 GB/T 10051.5-1988 起重吊钩 直柄单钩 Lifting hooks--Shank hooks with point
148 GB/T 10057-1988 塔式起重机检验规则 Tower cranes--Inspection regulation
149 GB/T 10079-1988 全封闭活塞式制冷压缩机 Hermetic reciprocating refrigerant compressor
150 GB 10080-1988 空调用通风机 安全要求 Safety requirements of fan for air conditioning
151 GB/T 10168-1988 挖掘装载机术语 Backhoe loader--Terminology
152 GB/T 10169-1988 挖掘装载机参数 Backhoe loader--Classification
153 GB/T 10170-1988 挖掘装载机技术条件 Backhoe loader--Specification
154 GB/T 10171-1988 混凝土搅拌站(楼)分类 Concrete batching plant--Classification
155 GB/T 10172-1988 混凝土搅拌站(楼)技术条件 Concrete batching plant--Specification
156 GB/T 10175-1988 装载机额定工作载荷 Rated operating load for loaders
157 GB/T 10178-1988 通风机现场试验 Site testing of fams
158 GB/T 10183-1988 桥式和门式起重机制造及轨道安装公差 Cranes--Overhead travelling cranes and portal bridge cranes--Tolerances of manufacture and tracks laying
159 GB/T 10400-1989 装载机的作用力和倾翻载荷的测量方法 Loaders—Methods of measuring tool forces and tipping loads
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