935 GB/T 13932-1992 通用阀门铁制旋启式止回阀 General purpose industrial valves--Cast iron swing check valves
936 GB/T 14118-1993 谐波传动减速器 Harmonic drive reducers
937 GB/T 14210-1993 墙板自攻螺钉 Dry wall screws
938 GB/T 14212-1993 摩托车链条 Motorcycle chains
939 GB/T 14229-1993 齿轮接触疲劳强度试验方法 Standard of test method for surface load capacity of gears
940 GB/T 14230-1993 齿轮弯曲疲劳强度试验方法 Standard of test methed for bending load capacity of gears
941 GB/T 14231-1993 齿轮装置效率测定方法 Determination of efficiency for gear units
942 GB/T 14382-1993 管道用三通过滤器 Tee strainers for fluids for pipes
943 GB/T 14383-1993 锻钢制承插焊管件 Forged steel socket welding pipe fittings
944 GB/T 14525-1993 波纹金属软管通用技术条件 General specification for corrugated metallic hose assemblies
945 GB/T 14626-1993 锻钢制螺纹管件 Forged steel threaded pipe fittings
946 GB/T 14910-1994 滑动轴承 厚壁多层轴承衬背技术要求 Plain bearings--Requirements on backings for thick-walled multilayer bearings
947 GB/T 15096-1994 液粘调速离合器 Hydroviscous variable speed clutch
948 GB/T 15185-1994 铁制和铜制球阀 Cast iron and copper alloy ball valves
949 GB/T 15188.1-1994 阀门的结构长度 对焊连接阀门 Face-to-face, centre-to-face, end-to-end and centre-to-end dimensions of valves--Buttwelding valves
950 GB/T 15188.2-1994 阀门的结构长度 对夹连接阀门 Face-to-face, centre-to-face, end-to-end and centre-to-end dimensions of valves--Wafer valves
951 GB/T 15188.3-1994 阀门的结构长度 内螺纹连接阀门 Face-to-face, centre-to-face, end-to-end and centre-to-end dimensions of valves--Female screw valves
952 GB/T 15188.4-1994 阀门的结构长度 外螺纹连接阀门 Face-to-face, centre-to-face, end-to-end and centre-to end dimensions of valves--Mals screw valves