
   2017-01-02 互联网8980

36 GB/T 70-1985 内六角圆柱头螺钉 Hexagon socket cap head screws

37 GB/T 71-1985 开槽锥端紧定螺钉 Slotted set screws with cone point

38 GB/T 72-1988 开槽锥端定位螺钉 Slotted set screws with cone point

39 GB/T 73-1985 开槽平端紧定螺钉 Slotted set screws with flat point

40 GB/T 74-1985 开槽凹端紧定螺钉 Slotted set screws with cup point

41 GB/T 75-1985 开槽长圆柱端紧定螺钉 Slotted set screws withlong dog point

42 GB/T 77-1985 内六角平端紧定螺钉 Hexagon socket set screws with flat point

43 GB/T 78-1985 内六角锥端紧定螺钉 Hexagon socket set screws with cone point

44 GB/T 79-1985 内六角圆柱端紧定螺钉 Hexagon socket set screws with dog point

45 GB/T 80-1985 内六角凹端紧定螺钉 Hexagon socket set screws with cup point

46 GB/T 83-1988 方头长圆柱球面端紧定螺钉 Square set screws with long dog point and rounded end

47 GB/T 84-1988 方头凹端紧定螺钉 Square set screws with cup point

48 GB/T 85-1988 方头长圆柱端紧定螺钉 Square set screws with long dog point

49 GB/T 86-1988 方头短圆柱锥端紧定螺钉 Square set screws with short dog point and cone end

50 GB/T 89-1976 螺钉 技术条件 Screws--Technical requirements

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