
   2017-01-02 互联网8370

77 GB/T 300-1995 滚动轴承 四列圆锥滚子轴承外形尺寸 Rolling bearings--Four row tapered roller bearings--Boundary dimensions

78 GB/T 301-1995 滚动轴承 推力球轴承 外形尺寸 Rolling bearings--Thrust ball bearings--Boundary dimensions

79 GB/T 304.1-1988 关节轴承 分类 Spherical plain bearings Classification

80 GB/T 304.2-1988 关节轴承 代号方法 Spherical plain bearings Identification code

81 GB/T 304.3-1990 关节轴承 配合 Spherical plain bearings-Fits

82 GB/T 304.9-1981 向心关节轴承 技术条件 Spherical plain radial bearings, joint type--Technical requirements

83 GB/T 304.10-1989 关节轴承公差 Spherical plain bearings-Tolerances

84 GB/T 307.1-1994 滚动轴承 向心轴承 公差 Rolling bearings--Radial bearings--Tolerances

85 GB/T 307.2-1995 滚动轴承 测量和检验的原则及方法 Rolling bearings--Measuring and gauging principles and methods

86 GB/T 307.3-1996 滚动轴承 通用技术规则 Rolling bearings--General technical regulations

87 GB/T 307.4-1994 滚动轴承 推力球轴承 公差 Rolling bearings--Thrust ball bearings--Tolerances

88 GB/T 308-1989 滚动轴承 钢球 Rolling bearings-Steel balls

89 GB/T 309-1984 滚动轴承 滚针 Rolling bearings--Needle rollers

90 GB/T 794-1993 加强半圆头方颈螺栓 Strengthened cap head square neck bolts

91 GB/T 798-1988 活节螺栓 Eye bolts

92 GB/T 799-1988 地脚螺栓 Eyelet bolts

93 GB/T 800-1988 沉头双榫螺栓 Flat countersunk double nib bolts

94 GB/T 802-1988 组合式盖形螺母 Acorn nuts

95 GB/T 804-1988 球面六角螺母 Hexagon nuts with raised face

96 GB/T 805-1988 扣紧螺母 Tight nuts

97 GB/T 806-1988 滚花高螺母 Knurled nut with collar

98 GB/T 807-1988 滚花薄螺母 Knurled nuts

99 GB/T 808-1988 小六角特扁细牙螺母 Small hexagon thin nuts-Fine pitch thread

100 GB/T 809-1988 嵌装圆螺母 Insert round nuts

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