入库|| be put in storage
包装|| pack packing
擦油|| to apply oil
锉毛刺|| to file burr
终检|| final inspection
抹布|| cleaning cloth
刮削|| scape
刮伤|| scratch
压痕|| dents
生产力|| production capacity
教育和训练|| education and training
提案改善|| proposal improvement
备件|| spare parts
螺栓|| bolt
厚薄规|| thickness gauge
电源线|| power wire
蜂鸣器|| puzzle
手套|| glove
大拇指|| thumb
食指|| forefinger
中指|| midfinger
无名指|| ringfinger
小指|| little finger
创可贴|| band-aid
工业酒精|| iudustrial alcohol
扫把|| sweeper
拖把|| mop
吸尘器|| vaccum cleaner
抹布|| rag
簸箕|| garbage container
垃圾箱|| garbage can
验收|| acceptance=receive
通知|| to notic
请购单|| apptication form for purchase
消耗|| consume , consumftion
填写|| to fill in
磨损|| abrasion
倒角|| reverse angle=chamfer
故障|| failure , trouble
统计|| statistice
需求|| demand and supply
履历卡|| career card
拧紧螺栓|| to tight a bolt
拧松螺栓|| to looser a bolt
标准件|| standard parts
断裂|| breaking ,(be) broken, (be) cracked
润滑|| to lubricate
模具|| die
刻印|| engraving , to engrave