
   2017-01-02 互联网4850

  在阀门的套筒底座用火焰进行烘烤。加热要均匀,用火焰对阀门及管道进行火焰烘烤的过程要延续到阀门上的焊剂不再发出声音。不要对阀门过度加热。Apply flame to valve at base of socket. Heat uniformly, sweeping flame from valve to tube until flux on valve becomes quiet. Avoid excessive heating of valve.

  当焊剂变成液态并且在管道和阀门上呈现半透明状态时,开始将火焰沿着连接部件的轴线进行进退烘烤,以保持连接部件、特别是阀门套筒底座部位的热度。When flux appears liquid and transparent on both tube and valve, start sweeping flame back and forth along axis of joint to maintain heat on parts to be joined, especially toward base of valve socket.

  使用适量的焊料:如果使用线状焊料,那么对公称通径为3/4英寸的阀门就要采用3/4英寸的焊料,等等。如果使用的焊料太多,那么有些焊料可能会流过管道阻挡部位,并堵塞密封区域。在安装连接部件时,可以看到焊料和钎焊合金继续流动Use just enough solder: with wire solder, use 3/4" for a 3/4" valve, etc. If too much solder is used, it may flow past tube stop and clog sealing area. When joint is filled, a continuous run of solder or brazing alloy will be visible.

  银钎焊法:将焊线或焊杆点在阀门里的管道套座上。当焊杆或焊线进入连接处时要将火焰从其上面移开。当合金流进连接处时,要前后移动火焰。达到适当的温度后,合金将迅速容易地流进管道外壳和阀门套管之间的空间。连接处被充满后,就会看到焊接合金的边缘。Silver Brazing Method: Apply brazing wire or rod at point where tube enters valve socket. Keep flame away from rod or wire as it is fed into the joint. Move flame back and forth as alloy is drawn into joint. When the proper temperature is reached alloy will flow readily into space between tube outer wall and valve socket. When joint is filled, a continuous rim of brazing alloy will be visible.

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