
   2017-01-02 互联网10900

Apply flame to valve at base of socket. Heat uniformly, sweeping flame from valve to tube until flux on valve becomes quiet. Avoid excessive heating of valve.

When flux appears liquid and transparent on both tube and valve, start sweeping flame back and forth along axis of joint to maintain heat on parts to be joined, especially toward base of valve socket.

Use just enough solder: with wire solder, use 3/4" for a 3/4" valve, etc. If too much solder is used, it may flow past tube stop and clog sealing area. When joint is filled, a continuous run of solder or brazing alloy will be visible.

Silver Brazing Method: Apply brazing wire or rod at point where tube enters valve socket. Keep flame away from rod or wire as it is fed into the joint. Move flame back and forth as alloy is drawn into joint. When the proper temperature is reached alloy will flow readily into space between tube outer wall and valve socket. When joint is filled, a continuous rim of brazing alloy will be visible.

Remove excess solder with small brush while plastic, leaving a fillet around end of valve as it cools.


The strength of a brazed joint does not vary appreciably with the different brazing materials, but depends to a large extent upon the maintenance of proper clearance between the outside of the tube and the valve socket. The interior dimensions of silver brazing valve sockets are machined to the closest tolerances and finished smooth to promote full capillary attraction.

NOTE: Care should be observed in cleaning and in removing residues of the cleaning medium. Attempting to braze a contaminated or improperly cleaned surface will result in an unsatisfactory joint. Silver brazing alloys will not flow over or bond to oxides. Oily or greasy surfaces repel fluxes, leaving bare spots which oxidize and result in voids and inclusions.


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