
   2016-05-05 互联网佚名12920

39. 产品设计此处有问题,建议如下图所示修改。

We would suggest using the attached part design as current
design has problems.

40. 此处做镶件会有夹线,能否接受。

Please confirm whether it is acceptable that there will
be a split line here .

41. 这个尺寸能否加大?

Please confirm whether we can enlarge this dimension.

42. 此处有倒扣,建议将剖面线所示不问 CUT 即可避免此处的倒扣。

There is an undercut
here, we suggest cutting out the indicated part as it highlighted to avoid an undercut.

43. 这个面是否要咬花,咬花番号是什么?最小拔模角要多大?

Please /confirm/i
whether this surface needs to be textured or not. Please advise texture specs. Also, what is the min. draft.

44. 红色显示的几个拔模角太小,顶出时会拉模,建议加大

The red highlighted area has a problem of a small draft angle. We suggest enlarging the draft to avoid casuing drag marks on the part.

45. 此处 RIB 太薄,会填充不足

This rib can not be filled properly because it is too thin.

46. 此 RIB 太厚,会缩水

This rib will have a shrink
problem because it is too thick.

47. 柱子地步都要做火山口

The base of all bosses require a crate to avoid shrinkage.

48. 排气槽距封胶位 10~158mm.

Venting slot distance from the seal off position 10~15mm.

49. 底面板均要有隔热板。

Top/Bottom plate must have insulator plate.

50. 此处有进胶及方顶,所以无法在此处加水路

This area has runner & square ejects then can not set up cooling system.

51. 能否往箭头方向移动 1mm?

Can this stage move 1 mm as the Pink arrow direction
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