Autodesk PowerMill2017正式版

  • 软件版本:正式版
  • 软件类型:压缩文件
  • 适合平台:WIN7/64位
  • 浏览次数:1444 次
  • 文件大小:1.7G
  • 下载次数:3 次
  • 更新时间:2018-10-23
  • 评论次数:0 次


Cimatron13 V13 64位



Cimatron13 V13 32位




编程外挂|20.98 M


PowerMill 2017新版发布!

PowerMILL是英国Delcam Plc公司出品的功能强大,加工策略丰富的数控加工编程软件系统。后被Autodesk(欧特克公司)宣布将以2.76亿美元现金收购。采用全新的中文WINDOWS用户界面,提供完善的加工策略。帮助用户产生最佳的加工方案,从而提高加工效率,减少手工修整,快速产生粗、精加工路径,并且任何方案的修改和重新计算几乎在瞬间完成,缩短85%的刀具路径计算时间,对2-5轴的数控加工包括刀柄、刀夹进行完整的干涉检查与排除。具有集成一的加工实体仿真,方便用户在加工前了解整个加工过程及加工结果,节省加工时间。

Autodesk PowerMill 2017 | 1.7 Gb

Autodesk Inc., a world leader in 3D design software for entertainment, natural resources, manufacturing, engineering, construction, and civil infrastructure, announced the release of PowerMill 2017. This software provides comprehensive milling strategies for high-speed and 5-axis machining. Get tools for manufacturing molds, dies, and complex parts.

Autodesk is ushering in its new 2017 Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) products for a multitude of advanced manufacturing applications ranging from CNC mill- and lathe-programming to complex mold and die manufacturing. These new products combine the heritage of industry leadership in CAM software from Delcam with Autodesk’s 3D design and manufacturing prowess, presenting Autodesk CAM customers with a powerful and unique user experience.

Autodesk’s 2017 CAM solutions include enhanced versions of FeatureCAM for automating CNC programming; PartMaker for precision part manufacturing with Swiss-type lathes; PowerMill for designing the most complex molds, dies and other components; PowerShape for the design of 3D complex parts; and PowerInspect hardware-independent inspection software.

Autodesk PowerMill 2017 takes the ability to easily and effectively manufacture the most complex molds, dies and other components to new heights. This latest version includes the following new features:

- More efficient 3D offset finishing toolpaths, greater simulation controls and constraint-based logic to optimize non-cutting link moves for safer, more efficient machining
- For the first time, PowerMill also provides strategies to create turning routines for use on 5-axis mill-turn machines

These improvements continue to make PowerMill the ideal choice for manufacturers looking to solve the most demanding of 3-axis, high-speed and complex multi-axis applications.

about AutodeskAutodesk helps people imagine, design and create a better world. Everyone—from design professionals, engineers and architects to digital artists, students and hobbyists—uses Autodesk software to unlock their creativity and solve important challenges.Name: Autodesk PowerMill
Version: (64bit) 2017
Interface: 多语言
OS: Windows 7even / 8 / 10
Size: 1.7 Gb

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